

Instruction Mode shows methods of how a class can be taught. There are nine (9) different types 的指令 modes available for scheduling.  The default Instruction Mode is In Person (P) when adding new sections.  

Instruction Mode Procedure information


If other instruction modes are being offered, the corresponding class note should be included to make class descriptions clear to students (for more information on class note please click here (have link to class note landing page).  如果模式 is changed, schedulers must correct the class note to reflect the change.



All courses for a given term have fully enrolled Canvas shells regardless of mode 的指令. (The courses are “unpublished” by default and the link for the course does not show to the students unless the instructor publishes the course.)详情 are available on the eCampus website at http://innovativemedia.singgalangtour.com/ecampus/.

Instruction Mode 01  (Online only – Asynchronous)

开设课程 完全在线 with no designated day/time meeting pattern (TBA).  Class is scheduled with a TBA meeting pattern and location of OnLine.  满足要求 用于ab386.

Example: Class is scheduled with a TBA meeting pattern and OnLine location (e.g., ISE 200 sec 85 - OnLine location, Mtg Pat of TBA) and 109号课堂笔记

指令模式02  (Online only – Synchronous)

开设课程 完全在线 with designated day/time meeting pattern.  Class has a location of OnLine. 满足 the requirements 用于ab386.

Example: Class is scheduled with a meeting pattern and OnLine location (e.g.、位置 is OnLine, Sat 0800-0950) and 课堂笔记是110号

Instruction Mode 03  (Hybrid – Async & Cmps mtg)

开设课程 online with no designated day/time meeting pattern (TBA) with occasional (less than 8 total) on-campus 会议 for events and/or exams – may request classrooms as 事件 or use department’s own rooms.

Example: Class is scheduled with a meeting pattern of TBA and has occasional on campus 会议(e.g. ISE 201 sec 80 – mtg pat is TBA) and 第111号课堂笔记

指令模式04  (混合-同步) & Cmps mtg)

开设课程 online with designated day/time meeting pattern and with occasional (less than 8 total) on-campus 会议 (may include TV broadcast) – may request classrooms as 事件 or use department’s own rooms.

Example: Class is scheduled with a meeting pattern and has on campus 会议(e.g., PH 200 sec 81- mtg pat of F 12-1250) and 第112课笔记

指令模式05 (混合-面对面 & 异步)  

开设课程 with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern is in person with a designated day/time on-campus location. The second meeting pattern has no designated 天/时间(稍后通知) or location.

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 meeting patterns (e.g., SOCI 160 sec 01 - 1st mtg pat of M 0900-0950 in DMH 160 and 2nd mtg pat is TBA) and 113号课堂笔记

指令模式06 (混合-面对面 & 同步)

开设课程 with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern is in person with a designated day/time and on-campus location. The second meeting pattern is on-line with a designated day/time.

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 meeting patterns (e.g., HIST 150 sec 05 – 1st mtg pat of M 0900-1015 in HGH 120, 2nd mtg pat of W 9-1015) and 第114号课堂笔记

指令模式10 (Online Only – 2 OL Mtg Pat)

开设课程 完全在线 with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern has a designated day/time. 位置在线. The second meeting pattern is also online with no designated 天/时间(稍后通知) and OnLine Location. 满足要求 用于ab386.

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 online meeting patterns (e.g.,信息200秒81 - 1st mtg pat of T 0800-0850 with OnLine location, 2nd mtg pat of TBA) and 第116课笔记

指令模式11 (Hybrid-2 OL mt . Pat & Cmps Mtg)

开设课程 online with 2 meeting patterns; the first meeting pattern is online with designated day/time and the second meeting pattern is online with no designated 天/时间(稍后通知). Both meeting patterns have occasional (less than 8 total) on-campus 会议.

Example: Class is scheduled with 2 meeting patterns (e.g., JS 90 sec 01 - 1st mtg pat of F 0800-0850 and 2nd mtg pat of TBA) and 117号课堂笔记. In addition, class will meet on campus for midterm and final exam (on-campus 会议 may request classrooms as events or use dept. 自己的房间).

Instruction Mode P (In Person)

开设课程 in person with designated day/time and location. 这可能包括 additional online material.

Example: Class is scheduled in person with a day/time Mtg Pat and Location (e.g., SOCI 100W sec 02 - MW 0900-1015 in DMH 226B).