
申请状态:(2023 - 2024)~开放


To apply to the 程序 please check the Eligbility需求 和 see if you’re 符合条件的. If you are, please read through the application 过程 和 follow the steps. If you have any questions refer to FAQ located on this page, or contact us. 我们的项目是 信息将位于 菠菜网lol正规平台页面.

Information sessions will be available at the beginning of each Fall. 给你 be able to ask about elligbilty, application requirements, 和 any other questions you might have about the 程序, or enrolling in it. 不过,你也可以联系 我们在麦克奈尔的项目协调员.


Informational sessions occur each fall semester with varrying dates. 如果你不能 to attend a session please email our Program Coordinator located on the 菠菜网lol正规平台页面.



To be 符合条件的 for 三(麦克奈尔) Program services, federal guidelines dictate that 学生必须符合以下要求:

  • Be both low-income 和 first-generation to complete a baccalaureate degree OR be a member of a group underrepresented in graduate education.
    • Groups considered include: African American, Hispanic, 和 American Indian/Alaskan 本地的.
  • 必须是当前U.S. 公民身份或永久公民身份.S. 住院医生实习期. 
  • 申请人 must be enrolled in a formal degree 程序 at San Jose State University 全职工作.
    • 至少3.0累积绩点.
    • Completed at least 60-semester units at the time of entry.
  • 打算攻读博士学位.D. 毕业后.
    • This 程序 is not open to students pursuing professional degrees such as medicine, 牙科、兽医、管理或法律.
  • Students who have already completed a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of 科学 are 没有资格参加该计划.

Selection will be made on a competitive basis from those applicants who best meet 该计划的目的由美国法律规定.S. 教育部. 具体地说, at least two thirds of the individuals participating in the 麦克奈尔 project must be low income individuals who are first generation college students.
No more than ten percent of the participants will be enrolled in a graduate master's degree 程序 of study at the time of their selection to the 麦克奈尔 project. 申请人 who best meet the federally m和ated guidelines will then be selected on the basis of their potential for pursuing doctoral studies 和 their ability to benefit from 程序.


  1. 为你的申请写一份个人陈述
    • 双倍行距
    • 12倍新罗马字体
    • 长度为三页(有页码)
    • 你的学业和职业目标是什么?
    • 你的研究和职业兴趣是什么?
    • Why do you think a doctorate is essential for pursing these interests?
    • How whould TRIO 麦克奈尔 help you achieve your professional 和 academic goals?


  2. 推荐信 (You may recieve 一个 from a 当前的/former professor)

    • Must be from a 当前的 or former Professor at any college or university
    • 分别提供两封推荐信
    • 第三个字母是可选的(可能是来自雇主、顾问或教授)
    • Those who will recommend for you must send their form to the given email: mcnair-程序@singgalangtour.com 
    • 请泰勒发送推荐表单模板


  3. 研究经历陈述 (如果适用的话)

    • 描述你以前可能做过的研究
    • OR 描述到目前为止你所获得的荣誉


  4. 简历或个人简历(CV) (这是可选的)


  5. 其他必要附件

    • 一张自己的清晰照片
    • 成绩单(以前或现在就读的所有学院)
    • 收入核实,例如:


  6. Once you have competed your essays 和 gotten your other necessary attachments, please 请填写 麦克奈尔 TRIO应用 从下面链接.
    You will attach all of the files necessary to the application when prompted. 



Processing applications generally takes 1 - 3 weeks; however, if you have questions 关于你的申请状态,你可以 菠菜网lol正规平台的项目协调员. If you are missing any supplemental materials, you will be informed which documents are still needed in order to complete your application.


If your application 是一个ccepted, you will receive an email to begin the interview 过程. If you are accepted 进入程序, you will be sent a DocuSign with details on your responsibilities to maintain good st和ing in the 程序, as well as an add 我们强制性春季UNVS 125M课程的代码. 请务必把这张表填好 及时的方式.

  • 班级价格: 免费的
  • 信贷?: 成绩单无学分
  • 麦克奈尔的必修课: 是的,这是这个项目的必修课
